A Guide To Accommodation In South Africa


A Guide To Accommodation In South Africa

A Guide To Accommodation In South Africa

When voyaging nowadays convenience isn't only a spot to rest for the evening. There are numerous sorts to browse and South Africa offers a tremendous scope of convenience alternatives. 

One of the most exceptional spots to go through the night is at a 'game hotel' which can be anything from a fundamental 'rondavel' (round working with cover rooftop) to a magnificently designated extravagance suite. A game cabin is commonly arranged in a natural life save or public park with closeness to the game survey. 

With a little schoolwork, you can appreciate uncommon incentives for cash in some of South Africa's prime game stores and public parks. Visit Sabi Sand Game Reserve that outskirts the acclaimed Kruger National Park. This 'Large 5' game hold offers probably the best game survey accessible anyplace on the landmass and is related with very costs extravagance lodges. 

With a little examination, you'll discover jewels like Elephant Plains Game Lodge and Notten's Bush Camp, both contribution incredible family offers just as protection and extravagance at reasonable rates. 

Another stunning experience is found in a KwaZulu Natal game save called Phinda. It is one of the most fascinating regions in South Africa combining 7 distinctly different habitats that shelter an abundance of wildlife including Africa’s Big 5 animal such as lion, leopard, elephant, rhino, and buffalo. 

The reserve has some of the most exclusive accommodation options, but it also offers an affordable experience not to be missed – a walking safari where you stay in spacious safari tents with ensuite bathrooms (flush w.c. & hot water!). It is one of the best ways to experience Africa and doesn’t break the bank. 

Ever stayed on a farm where the cows get milked in the morning and the rooster wakes you up to the smell of freshly baked bread and fresh coffee? South Africa offers exceptional accommodation known as farm stays where you enjoy life on a working farm. It is a great option as part of a road trip or a family holiday. 

The kids love the outdoors and enjoy the farm lifestyle, be it only for a day or two. It is an affordable way to see South Africa and to experience some local culture and cuisine. These ‘farm stays’ are found all over South Africa from the Drakensberg Mountains to the Great Karoo as well as the popular Garden Route and Winelands of the Western Cape. 

Beach accommodation offers anything from relaxed and comfortable to luxury and exclusivity – the choice is yours. A good place to find accommodation close to the beach is renting a beach cottage. 

South Africa’s coastline offers incredible diversity from remote villages to popular seaside town and city beaches. It is advised to book way in advance as these beach cottages fill up fast especially over the holiday seasons of April & December/January.

The ‘old faithful’ B&B (bed & breakfast) accommodation is still an all-time favorite with more and more business travelers making use of this versatile and affordable option. Its high levels of customer service make the bed and breakfast an excellent choice. 

More and more B&B owners cater to the sophisticated traveler that needs a reliable, affordable accommodation option. A new trend in the B&B circles is a ‘boutique’ feel with hip decorations and modern furnishings. 

This trend is blending studio living, boutique hotels, and the B&B lifestyle to offer great options for both casual and business travelers. 

Nowadays accommodation is more than just a bed and a place to have a meal. It’s about what you feel like and how much you want to pay to experience it. The choice is there, just do a little homework and you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.

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